Production equipment
Resource List
Psychosocial support and health
211 of Greater Montreal
The 211 service helps combat poverty and social exclusion, by allowing people struggling with non-urgent social needs to be informed quickly about local socio-community resources that will help them, and therefore to be able to find solutions. to get out of a precarious situation.
CLSC and psychosocial services in your area
Répertoire des centres locaux de services communautaires (CLSC) to receive:
- routine health and social services;
- preventive or medical services to the population of its territory;
- rehabilitation or reintegration services;
- public health activities.
811 health and social information
811 is a free and confidential telephone consultation service. Several options are available to meet your specific needs.
Montreal Suicide Prevention Center
The Montreal Suicide Prevention Center offers Montrealers a range of services aimed at people in distress or suicide, their loved ones or those who have experienced the suicide of a loved one.
Ordre des orthophonistes et audiologistes du Québec (OOAQ)
Search tool to find a speech therapist, from the directory of OOAQ members, who offer services in the private sector.
Info-aidant (Support telephone service for caregivers)
Info-aidant is a confidential and free telephone service for listening, information and professional references. It is aimed at caregivers and their entourage, caregivers and health professionals.
Phone: 1 855 852-7784
RUTA Montreal
The "Regroupement des usagers du transport adapté et accessible" on the Island of Montreal (RUTA Montreal) is dedicated to promoting and defending the rights of users of Montreal public transport with functional limitations.
STM – Paratransit
Social participation
Centre d’intégration à la vie active (CIVA)
CIVA serves the Montreal population living with a physical disability.
In order to carry out its mission of inclusion, CIVA offers cultural, sporting, social, outdoor and social integration activities, in order to lead young people and adults to adopt an active lifestyle approach and integrate into their community.
Centre communautaire Radisson (CCR)
Théâtre Aphasique
The Cummings Center
The Cummings Center promotes the development of adults aged 50 and over and improves their quality of life by offering dynamic and innovative programs and social services in a lively, respectful, inclusive and compassionate environment.
Its services include the following adapted programs:
- Adapted exercise clinic
- Aphasia
- Multiple sclerosis
- Orthopedics
- Parkinson
- Post-stroke
- Support groups
Founded in 1995, Viomax is a charity that offers adapted activities. Viomax's mission is to improve the state of health, the level of autonomy and the social participation of people living with functional limitations through positive and rewarding interactions. The organization stands out for the unique expertise of its staff as well as its programming and equipment adapted to the needs of its customers.
Association sportive et communautaire du Centre-sud (ASCCS)
AVC Aphasie Laval
Leisure support card (AlterGo)
Programme ministériel des aides techniques à la communication
The "Programme ministériel des aides techniques à la communication" (PMATCOM) is a program of the Quebec Ministry of Health and Social Services. This program allows equipment to be loaned to disabled people in order to compensate for certain disabilities.
The technical aids covered by this program are divided into five (5) categories:
- Oral communication aids
- Substitute aids for oral communication
- Computer access
- Environmental control
- Adapted telephony
To find out if your needs are eligible, you must contact a health professional whose skills will allow you to properly assess your needs and guide your request. The occupational therapist and speech therapist at your CLSC or the establishment where you receive your services could advise you effectively.