Activities (outside groups) for our aphasic members
Friendly visits to break isolation
People with aphasia, especially the elderly, are often socially isolated because of their often severe functional limitations. Aware of this reality, AQPA organizes friendship visits to break this isolation.
People with aphasia registered in the program are paired with a volunteer, with whom a meeting is organized every week, at home or virtually.

These visits are an opportunity for our members to carry out various activities: personal writing projects, learning or consolidating computer basics, learning the French language, etc.
These friendly visits thus help promote the integration of people with aphasia through practical activities and regular social interactions.
Psychosocial and personalized support
At AQPA, our staff includes a social worker and several psychosocial workers whose mission is to offer support to people with aphasia and their caregivers. This service includes the analysis of needs and the creation of intervention plans. personalized services, evaluation of intervention tools and development of strategies to help our members with aphasia overcome their challenges.
This support can be provided in a group or during personalized follow-up. In these two cases, our objective remains the same: to offer empathetic listening to our members to best meet their psychosocial needs and offer appropriate resources.
An active community life
Our aphasic members benefit from an active community life, particularly through their participation in the AQPA annual general meeting. They can also go further in their commitment by proposing their candidacy to our board of directors, or by participating in aphasia awareness activities aimed at the population: open days, information kiosks, concerts, etc.
Finally, AQPA is frequently called upon to be a research environment. Our members thus participate in various research projects while being at the forefront to learn about their progress.